Sunday, December 6, 2009

I have a new bearrrrrrrrr

PEOPLE!!! :D :> I have a new beaaar!!!!! It's so adorable and cute!! LoL :P. Tnx dear momma!! I wuvs you for this :D...I named it justice bear :)) as florenz's ideals would say...;)....he loves to tease me with it. that weuird person. :|

God!!! I was like, Sick for 2 days. Didnt faggin' go to school last friday. Didnt missed alot though, suppose to cheat in Our social studies Drill sheet...Wut? Everybody's doin it these days... :> Seriously :)).... Still majorly IN love with stitch :3 ... experiment 626 you rock :D Woohooo!!!!!!!!!! still lovin stitch through out the years.

All I want for christmas is experiment 626....and maybe.... :> .... a kiss?? from... *ahem* :>.. I ♥ u! :3

On to other random stuff in my world..... I am now, praising deidara-senpai :3..and tobi [tobi is a good boy] and also master hidan [mewmew] :P..... I have a picy of them uploaded...>_> from left to right:: WHite haid dude hidan.. blodnie deidara and good boy tobi X3

this is a crazy world we all live in :))

for all those people who knew me since like....whenever, yesh, i stil ldo watch naruto, but I'm not as a narutard as i was back then. Faggins!!! :D====> anyone got a mongkee?? I want a pet monkey.. theyre adorable :P.... anyways.... GOD! i found a nice picy of Isamashii.... :3, That lil' emo kid wutever :D ... So adorable... lil blondie :D nyaha :3... Ok... random stuff....

...Uptake on naruto,,, They got a new uplifting take called,"Juvenille delingquents". Meh loves it so :3.... They look better than in the original series.....and I'm sayin sumting... LolNezz...

Anyways... Uhm, Still completing my sketches of kel and the gang. need to finish my first sketch projects first, then will be redesinging the color shadings in photoshop!!! Its so hard to perfect those stupid gradients!! D8<>.... I think i need a break! starbux anyones?? haha. Jowks... well anyways... Now, its a sunday and we will be going back to school soon, great! now i have even less time to finish the sketch of kel and the others... and there are like 10 of em... wait.. not sure, but still :3... you know how crazy it gets! seriously! Like, kel and heff are so hard to draw! Ugh! and katrina's still not done with the chapter story line. yesh! it's true, me and katey are makin novels :)).... Still lifting the skin tones of our characs and she's still having artist's block. you people know wut that means. Might have this thing done by summer. :3... Hopefully! contacting her over the summer is hard! she's goin to paris... AGAIN!!! XD, dnt forget my "Pasalubong" gurl!! You know meh loves those stitchy keychains :'>,,, haha!!!!

......last news!! Mommy chik! X-mass is comin soon :3.... I wanna see great godmama Denise by then :))... Hope she'll start acting normal by then :)) LUlz... But i still love hew... you too mommy chik...

Kuya leeeeeeee!! ahem! Musta bivouac??? kuya josh still owes me an ice cream cone T_T... I am so not letting that gooo!!!!!

"KEI! thats all for now!! Me will be goin to a cave in nooow!!! :3..."

listening to owl city-"cave in"

Buh byez people!!! will be listening to "all time low laterz"

Everything is allright :D

~I.v!... tsunaida te.... Lil'b.

Listening to full metal alchemist soundtrack tomorrow. yes..;>

P.S. van! you are a soft cream puff! Accept it!! mwehehe!!! Scarier but less crazier than hidan! van respi-si-yoh! :))

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

worl so slow

FUkcers!!!!!! :| The world turns so slow today :| God!! why is it like this?? well, my friends are back from Batangas.... and lemme tell you, they had total fun! they re-describe the analogy of fun :3 GOOOOD! why??? Why wasnt i able to go?? :'<>

Well, In other news!!!! The intrams results finally kicked in! Welll, The blue bears won the over all thingies and also the Dance Exhibitions... Yeah! they really, strut their stuff over there. Though, another reason they won is that they have totally awesome props :P.... 5 Stars for the props Blue bears X3!!!! Well, The tigers didnt win the Dance exhibition this year, which is weird cos our clas shas been the champion for the past how many years... but oh well!!! ^^.... I might join again next year... i always join, except this yr cos i just got lazy [the shikamaru tude'] GOD! how troublesome!! T_T what a drag!!!!! :))

then!!!!! In other news :P

"PLS. Tell me that you're all right :D!!! Tell me that you'r allright.... Give me a reason to end this discussion :3"

I love that song! I am totqally endorsing it!!! :)) Everything's all right by: Motion City Soundtrack :DYou just gotta love songs that has a crazy deep humanoid meaning ;) "BELIEVE IT!!"

Moving on.... DAMN! :3 I found this coolio pic of some 2nd generation of naruto characs in deviantart :D teehee!!! The pics were all made by E-vay!!!! Visit her deviantart link!! :D E-vay at deviantart!!! :D

OK! her arts consist of destry, shakino, Isamashii, ando and allooooooot mowr :3 so cute!! X3
I posted a pic of Isamashii in the corner cos, people! believe it! he is so adorable :3.... Remember!! that's E-vay's work :3 So cute!! Isamashii is sasuke & temari's kid :D He got his hot side from his father... I can tell :)) Seriously people :3 I am once again hooked with the fanfic stuuffff....

sal;kjdsahfioashfiohfsaofi;sjfoiadsfioaejhfowejhfklsd;fk===> Random typing :|

Patrtey int he phils people X3

Cannot wait for the Chipmunk 2!!! Chippetes making their Debut! :D teehee!!! Man!!!!! The chipettes are so cuuuute :3 Seriously :D

"Sasantillanin kita" Bwuahahahaha :3

Funny saying :DD Kristine made that up :3..... So cooliooooo!!!!!

Anyways :D Thats all for now!
yellow tigers still the best for me :3

yeah! that's right it still is the best for me :D

That's all for now people!!!

oh yeah! PEOPLE! i have a job :'D Seriously!!! I have one! :3 Gettin paid monthly for a swab 5,000 :D YEP! thats how we cn roooolllllll :D